Bedroom Bookshelf
Game Design and Game Critics
KRITIQAL - Kritiqal’s essays were very interesting, and I owe it to them for inspiring me to try out game journalism. I love the website aesthetics, their effort to highlight small creators, and their unique approach to writing about games.
Game Design Library – Liz England - A comprehensive reading list for game design enthusiasts.
Critical Distance - “We are a compendium of the most incisive, thought-provoking, and remarkable discussion in and around games, keeping it archived for years to come.”
Every Noise at Once - An incredible music discovery tool for people who want to look beyond the algorithm.
Official Music Fan Club - A website made by 7x11x13, who tends to upload electronic music from less well-known artists.
AccelJoe - A video game soundtracks uploader. Their uploads of classic 90s Japanese Visual Novel soundtracks are gems to me.
Sadness - Web designer, writer, most importantly, an advocate for a better internet beyond social media. Check out Yester Web to find out more.